Greetings mindful friends,

Transition is in the air and it’s palpable.

Whether you have kids going back to school or you’re simply feeling the shift from summer to autumn, change is in the air.

Mindfulness can help us transition gently and process whatever we’re experiencing with greater ease. Mindfulness is simply about being more present in the moment. It’s about being open to what is possible and knowing what the moment is calling for.

One of the greatest gifts of mindfulness is how it helps us work with strong emotions.

We may struggle in relationships with people at home or at work. We may feel helplessness when we see what’s happening in the world or in Houston this week. All of this can make our hearts feel heavy.

Here are some things that will help:

  • Deepen your mindfulness meditation practice. Create space to be with yourself as you are.
  • Limit screen time. Get your news and get on with what you have control of.
  • Consciously choose how you would like to help in a situation. Then let go of worry or guilt.
  • Practice a high level of self-care. Get outside and walk. Sit in your garden. Create a relaxing bedtime routine.

Mindfulness helps us to foster connection and compassion for each other.

Try the Loving Kindness meditation:

May I be filled with Loving Kindness.
May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
May I be happy.

Now wish this for all people everywhere.

May we be filled with Loving Kindness.
May we be well.
May we be peaceful and at ease.
May we be happy.

Thrive on!