Are you ready to finally achieve your goals?

I believe mindfulness is the secret sauce. Mindfulness is being present in the moment, the one you’re in right now with kindness and curiosity. I’ve outlined steps you can take to successfully meet your goals, realize more of your potential, and create happiness, no...

Insights From My 5-Day Silent Retreat

Greetings mindful friends, I recently went on a 5-day silent retreat and thought you might appreciate hearing about some of my experiences. I believe going on an annual retreat is part of the job requirement for those of us who teach mindfulness. On a more personal...

Creating a mindful 2016

This is the time of year when we think about what we care about most and how we want to live. I’d like to share an activity that will help you get clear on what you want to create this year. You can start by giving yourself some time to retreat even if it’s just for a...

Focusing on what you have control of

What causes you to feel stressed or even overwhelmed? Start by making a list of all your stressors. (This might be stressful!) Look at your list. Take a few breaths. Put a “C” next to all the stressors you have control of. Take a few more breaths. Try to let go of...

Create a life you don’t need a vacation from

Most people grind it out every day planning and saving for that big vacation. What if you could have a little piece of that every day? Mindfulness helps us linger in the present moment. • Drink your coffee in the garden and listen to the birds singing. • Go to the...