How To Create A Mindful Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my personal favorite of all the holidays because it hasn’t been commercialized. It is all about being thankful for the harvest and creating time for meaningful connection with others. One challenge of Thanksgiving is that there is a lot of pressure to...

Transition Is In The Air

Greetings mindful friends, Transition is in the air and it’s palpable. Whether you have kids going back to school or you’re simply feeling the shift from summer to autumn, change is in the air. Mindfulness can help us transition gently and process whatever...

Insights From My 5-Day Silent Retreat

Greetings mindful friends, I recently went on a 5-day silent retreat and thought you might appreciate hearing about some of my experiences. I believe going on an annual retreat is part of the job requirement for those of us who teach mindfulness. On a more personal...

Hibernate, Contemplate, and Nurture Your Authenticity

Whether we find the cold weather pleasant or unpleasant, the season of winter has a gift for us.   This time of year can be a little confusing because everything in nature is calling us inward. Yet the holidays call us outward. Try to move gently through the next...

A Mindfulness Meditation

Cheryl Jones leading a mindfulness meditation at the American Heart Association’s 2015 Greater Hartford Go Red For Women Luncheon.