Mindfulness is simply about being rather than doing.
Giving ourselves space between all the busyness is critical to our mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.
Most of the time we are so busy running from one activity to another that we barely have time to catch our breath.
We clutter our airwaves, our homes, our lives with things we think we need, yet we rarely allow ourselves a few moment to simply “be”.
So for today, see if you can pause and follow one breath before and after every:
• stop sign or red light
• conversation in person or on the phone
• time you take a bite of food
• email or text you send
Mindfulness is simple but not so easy because we forget. You can set reminders to “be” either on your smartphone or post notes in highly visible places.
Notice how this mindful pause impacts you.
Remember it takes about 21 days to create a new habit so try to be patient.