Let’s take a deeper dive into what this means.

Non-judging is about finding a more neutral way to be in an experience. It’s about not taking things personally.

The mind is constantly labeling and categorizing things as either good or bad. Judging is a mechanical habit so to speak.

Mindfulness provides us with the opportunity to first notice when we are judging. And then to be with something as it is, rather than how we want it to be.

Here are some phrases you can try to help you move through the day non-judgmentally.

  • I prefer ____________________.
  • I enjoy _____________________.
  • My thing is ________________.
  • _______ really works for me.

As you start to incorporate these phrases into your awareness, simply notice how it affects your sense of well-being.

Reflections for the week:

  • Note how you feel when you are judging yourself or others
  • Consider a situation in which you would like to practice non-judging
  • Identify one small way you will practice this week

I hope this helps you take another step along your mindful path!